Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Learn and Play Music: Fillip guitar tab - Muse tabs

All lyrics are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational purposes only. This site is a not-for-profit project. All advertising proceeds are used to maintain its servers.

Author/Artist: Muse
Title: Fillip
Album: Showbiz
Transcribed by: Remy Lebbos





It's happening soon,
It's happening soon,
It's scent has been blowing in my direction.
To me it is new,
To me it is new,
And it's not going to change for anybody.



And it's gonna be our last memory,
And it's led me on,
And on to you.




It's got to be here,
It's got to be there,
It's got to be now
Or I'll lose for ever.
This feeling is strange,
This feeling is strange,
But it's not going to change for anybody.



And it's gonna be our last memory,
And it's led me on, and on to you.




Accuse me,
Trust me, I never knew,
That you were the one, you were the one,




And it's gonna be our last memory,
And it's led me on, and on to you.



And it's gonna be our last memory,
And it's led me on, and on to you.





All lyrics are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational purposes only. This site is a not-for-profit project. All advertising proceeds are used to maintain its servers.

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