Minggu, 25 November 2012

Learn Music: Map Of Your Head guitar tab - Muse tabs

All lyrics are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational purposes only. This site is a not-for-profit project. All advertising proceeds are used to maintain its servers.

Muse, Map Of Your Head.
Tabbed by PAUL HUTCHINSON , paulhutch55@hotmail.com

Standard Tuning

This is such a cool song and you can find it
On the New Born single's 2nd CD along with a
Live version of Plug-In Baby (also cool).
I knew no-one would tab a measly B-side so i
Went ahead and did it for those of you who
Appreciate the non-album Muse songs like me.



[A] [D]
|-----------------------------| (x2)

[A] [E] [C] [D]
|---------------------0---------------3-------------------------| (x1)

It's pretty much just messing around with the chords,
I simply did the way i sometimes play it but it really
Is best to just improvise and have some fun :)
And...i KNOW that the C chord is wrong, wrong, wrong
But it makes the closest sound to the actual chord used
And since i don't know what it is you'll have to use this
Or figure it out for yourself. Have fun.


All lyrics are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational purposes only. This site is a not-for-profit project. All advertising proceeds are used to maintain its servers.

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