Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Learn and Play Music: Lirik Lagu Geisha – Aku Bukan Mereka Lyrics

All lyrics are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational purposes only. This site is a not-for-profit project. All advertising proceeds are used to maintain its servers.

/> dan caramu yang telah merayu /> tak kuatku dengar mulutmu bicara /> coba dekatiku* sejuta kebohonganmu /> takkan mungkin membodohiku /> ingin rasanya aku tertawa /> bahasamu merayuaku bukan mereka /> yang mudah tuk terbawarepeat *atau haruskah aku bicara /> kalimatmu ku simpan saja /> lalu ku buang dan terus berkata /> kau buat hidupku gerah /> hanya romantis adanyareff: /> aku bukan mereka /> yang mudah tuk terbawa /> aku bukan mereka /> yang mudah tuk terpanaaku bukan mereka /> andai saja aku bisa /> jauhi dirimu sekarang /> ingin rasanya ku hilang darimurepeat reff
All lyrics are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational purposes only. This site is a not-for-profit project. All advertising proceeds are used to maintain its servers.

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