Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Learn Music: Playing In The Band guitar tab - Grateful Dead tabs

All lyrics are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational purposes only. This site is a not-for-profit project. All advertising proceeds are used to maintain its servers.

From Jason_Moore@voyager.umeres.maine.edu Sun May 4 09:45:38 1997
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 17:28:37 -0500
From: Jason Moore
To: rcwoods@olga.net
Subject: tab "Playing in the Band" Grateful Dead

I figured this one out about christmas time but i forgot to mail it.
The whole song is in the key of D which makes the cords to it D G A-
your typical I IV V cord change.
The lead is played with your basic D chord- and the melody can be heard
on any bootleg or any version of playin'. Anyway-

Playing in the Band Grateful Dead

start with a D chord-

sl slide
h hold note
p pull off
h hammer on
s sustain

let the open D ring out (sl) (h) (p) p)(h (s)

practice it - i think this is correct -
any comments are welcome
enjoy !

All lyrics are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational purposes only. This site is a not-for-profit project. All advertising proceeds are used to maintain its servers.

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